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Available for both Corporate/Workplace & Public Members
Mindfulness has been described as “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment to moment”. (Prof Mark Williams, University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre)
Mindfulness begins when we recognize our tendency to be on automatic pilot.
Research conducted over the last 40 years demonstrates the benefits that can be gained from mindfulness training are found to be effective in treating a range of health conditions and boosting the auto immune system. Mindfulness practice also reduces the risk of burnout, increasing resilience and overall well-being. In addition to improvements in both physical and psychological symptoms, practicing mindfulness also brings about positive changes in attitudes and behaviours.
Mindfulness is a natural capacity we all have to pay attention, without judgment to the present moment. As we strengthen our mindfulness, we are able to pause, gain greater clarity on what is, the choices we have and what may be an appropriate response for the particular situation, rather than to react from our “automatic-pilot mode”. As what Viktor Frankl said, "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom".
Through mindfulness practices, we also cultivate attitudes of patience, curiosity and friendliness towards ourselves and others. This greatly enhance our relationships with ourselves and others. Many people report that as they practice mindfulness, they notice they relate differently to their experience in a way that brings about deeper well-being and better outcomes.
Based on a psychological science model of the mind and teaching of mainstream cognitive-behavioural and secular mindfulness practices, these programs will support us from keeping our balance through life’s ups and downs, responding skilfully when difficulties arise, to engaging with what is most important to us, and opening up to moments of joy, contentment, and gratitude.
The following courses are available for corporate setting as well.
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